A downloadable tool

in case niba jarvis 3.2 command list is not working immediatly.

copy this command list,paste it in note editor and save it.

upload it into niba jarvis 3.2

Default Command List


open facebook|opening facebook|www.facebook.com||||

open films|opening films||||C:\Users\Sebastian\dwhelper|

change window|changing window||ctrl+alt+esc|||

open Explorer|opening explorer|||explorer||

open youtube|opening youtube|www.youtube.com||||

open amazon|opening amazon|www.amazon.com||||

open web de|opening web de|www.web.de||||

open gmx|opening gmx|www.gmx.net||||

open gpt|opening chat gpt|www.chatgpt.com||||


jarvis|yes sir|||||

computer|yes sir|||||

open television|opening 2ix2.com|www.2ix2.com||||

press enter|pressing enter||enter|||

press space|pressing space key||space|||

press tab|pressing tab||Tab|||

press escape|pressing escape||esc|||

select all|selecting all||ctrl+a|||

copy selected|copying selected||ctrl+c|||

paste selected|pasteing selected||ctrl+v|||

delete selected|deleting selected||ctrl+backspace|||

open television 2|opening livestreamde.com|www.livestreamde.com||||

reload|refreshing website||ctrl+r|||

open address|opening adress bar||ctrl+f|||

open maps|opening google maps|www.google.com/maps||||

undo action|undoing action||ctrl+z|||

close tab|closing current tab||ctrl+w|||

lock screen|locking screen||win+l|||

open search|opening search||win+s|||

next tab|next tab||ctrl+tab|||

previous tab|previous tab||Ctrl + Shift + Tab|||

open it io|opening itch i o |www.itch.io||||

open tiktok|opening tiktok|www.tiktok.com||||

open Instagram|opening instagram|www.instagram.com||||

open Ebay|opening Ebay|https://www.kleinanzeigen.de/||||

open Weather|opening weather in 10963|https://www.wetter.de/wetter/r/55765||||

open TV programme|opening tv spielfilm|https://www.tvspielfilm.de/tv-programm/sendungen/jetzt.html||||

open xampp|opening xampp||||C:\xampp|

open bandicam|opening bandicam|||||C:/Program Files/Bandicam/bdcam.exe

open ccleaner|opening c cleaner|||||C:/Program Files/CCleaner/CCleaner.exe

open media player|opening media player|||||C:/Program Files/Windows Media Player/wmplayer.exe

open gimp|opening gimp|||||C:/Program Files/GIMP 2/bin/gimp-2.10.exe

open downloads|opening downloads|||Downloads||

refresh page|refreshing website||ctrl+r|||

move up|scrolling up||shift+space|||

thank you|you are welcome|||||

open xtb|opening xtb|https://xstation5.xtb.com/#/_/login||||

open paint|opening paint|||paint||

open video editor|opening video editor|||||C:/Program Files (x86)/VSDC Video Editor/VideoEditor/VideoEditor.exe

open plus 500|opening plus500|https://app.plus500.com/trade/all-popular||||

new window|opening a new window||ctrl+ n|||

open trader fox|opening traderfox.com|www.traderfox.com||||

change to tab one|changing to tab one||ctrl+1|||

change to tab two|changing to tab two||ctrl+2|||

change to tab five|changing to tab five||ctrl+5|||

change to tab four|changing to tab four||ctrl+4|||

change to tab three|changing to tab three||ctrl+3|||

change to tab six|changing to tab six||ctrl+6|||

change to tab seven|changing to tab seven||ctrl+7|||

change to tab eight|changing to tab eight||ctrl+8|||

change to tab 1|changing to tab one||ctrl+1|||

change to tab 2|changing to tab two||ctrl+2|||

change to tab 5|changing to tab five||ctrl+5|||

change to tab 4|changing to tab four||ctrl+4|||

change to tab 3|changing to tab three||ctrl+3|||

change to tab 6|changing to tab six||ctrl+6|||

change to tab 7|changing to tab seven||ctrl+7|||

change to tab 8|changing to tab eight||ctrl+8|||

change to tap one|changing to tab one||ctrl+1|||

change to tap two|changing to tab two||ctrl+2|||

change to tap five|changing to tab five||ctrl+5|||

change to tap four|changing to tab four||ctrl+4|||

change to tap three|changing to tab three||ctrl+3|||

change to tap six|changing to tab six||ctrl+6|||

change to tap seven|changing to tab seven||ctrl+7|||

change to tap eight|changing to tab eight||ctrl+8|||

play my mix one|opening youtube my mix 1|


play my mix 1|opening youtube my mix 1|


close window|closing window||ctrl+shift+w|||

decrease window|decreasing window||alt+space+n|||

increase window|increasing window||alt+space+x|||

n key|pressing n||n|||

open downloads|opening downloads||||C:\Users\Sebastian\Downloads|

open documents|opening documents||||C:\Users\Sebastian\Documents|

open program files|opening program files||||C:\Program Files|

open program files two|opening program files x86||||C:\Program Files (x86)|

open virtualbox|opening virtual box|||||C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VirtualBoxVM.exe

delta|yes sir|||||

bobby|yes sir|||||

james|yes sir|||||

alpha|yes sir|||||

open browser|opening browser|www.google.com||||

change screen to the left|changing desktop screen||win+ctrl+left|||

hello|yes sir|||||

change screen to the right|changing desktop screen||win+ctrl+right|||

open settings|opening settings||win+i|||

taskbar switch|switching to the next app||win+t|||

switch |switching to the next app||win+t|||

make it louder|making it louder||ctrl+up|||

undo pressing tab|undoing pressing tab key||shift+tab|||


niba.ico 14 kB
Niba Jarvis 3.2.exe 204 MB

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